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Call/Text: 250-818-9776

Victoria's Best Pet Sitters

Trust the team of professionals to protect your pets AND home!

16/16 ***** Google Business Reviews

Licensed, bonded, and insured.

Certified in pet first aid and CPR.

Fear Free® Certified Professionals

"Frank & Dale are amazing and the portal they've set up to keep you notified about every visit is fantastic. Definitely won't be using Rover again if Frank and Dale are available!"      Dan P. on the Time to Pet Client Portal

"We’re very happy with the pet services from Leave with Ease. They’ve provided excellent care for both our senior cat and young GSD pup! We’ve recommended them to several friends and family, and look forward to booking pet sitting services with them again."        Laura B. on Google

Vacation planning? Please don't hesitate to contact us as we fill our schedules on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you would like to call us with any questions our number is 250-818-9776 or send us an email.

Esquimalt pet sitting with Seamus

"Merry Pop Ins"

We've sat for dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs, ...we're open to caring for almost any pet!

We STRONGLY recommend a minimum of 1 drop-in visit/day for cats, and 3/day for dogs.

You receive a report on every pet sit that has start & end times together with pictures/videos, together with a written description of the visit.

Feeding, watering, cleaning of messes & litter boxes, administering oral medications, scratches, rubs, & cuddles are always included.

Taking garbage & recycling to the curb, bringing mail & packages inside, rotating lights/curtains, plant watering or a complete home security check can also be done while in your home.

We charge by the time we spend caring for your pets, not by the number of animals.

  • $33 for 30 minutes
  • $40 for 45 minutes
  • $45 for 60 minutes
  • $5/shot for subcutaneous Injections

Sidney dog sitting with Stanley and Violet

"Let's Settle Down"

Need more than a drop-in sit? We've got some options for you, including hotel pet sits to see the sights of Victoria!

  • "Gimme a Break" with 2 hours of pet sitting...you pick the time you want to be away for $75

  • "Almost Overnight" with 2 hours in the evening before bed, then returning for 1 hour in the morning for $100

  • "Pee, Poop, & Exercise" with 1/2 hr drop-in sit at breakfast, a 1 hr afternoon walk, and a 1/2 hr drop-in sit at dinner time for $110

  • "Dinner & a Movie" for 4 consecutive evening hours between 5:00pm and 11:00pm for $125

  • "Business Hours" for 9 consecutive daytime hours to cover time getting to & from work for $200

  • $5/shot for subcutaneous Injections

Custom care plans can also be discussed based on you & your pets' needs.

Angela catsitting for Toby in Esquimalt

"Sleep Overs & More"

To be considered if pets have severe separation anxiety, medical needs, or generally require longer care.

  • 10 consecutive overnight hours (your choice of times) from $100

  • All Night & Day Care. Full 24/7 pet and home care from $250.

  • $5/shot for subcutaneous Injections

Custom care plans based on you & your pets' needs can also be discussed.

Members of Pet Sitters International Certified Fear Free pet care providers Victoria Humane Society Contributors

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