Stanley & Violet with dogsitter Dale Angela dog walk with Hank Dog sitting with dogs Tux & Tilly
Pet care while you're at the office

Business Hours Service

Pet sitting & dog walking while you're at work.


Trust the team of professionals to protect your pets AND home!

Leave With Ease = Peace of Mind

Bonded     Insured       Licensed Inter-municipally 

Pet First Aid & CPR Trained       Fear Free Certified

Family Owned & Operated for Dependable, Quality Service

13 ***** Google Business Reviews

Gone to work? Pets can't be left alone?

Not a problem!

We can be there for 8 consecutive daylight hours depending on your schedule.

8 to 4 or 9 to 5, our whole day is spent caring for your pets & home.

Feeding, watering, a couple of 1/2 hour walks, watering the plants, taking out the trash, bringing in the mail/'s all included.

As a Leave With Ease client, you receive a report after each visit with start & end times together with pictures/videos, GPS walk tracking and a written description.

  • Pet sitting of 4 consecutive evening pick the time!

Price of $200 ($25/hr)